2024 PERU




November 15th-25th

Welcome Beautiful Community!

Thank you for your interest in our Medicine Immersion Journeys in the Peruvian Amazon. We’re thrilled to partner for our 6th year with our dear Peruvian hosts and Medicine holders from the Q’eros and Shipibo-Conibo lineages. These journeys are meant for those walking the medicine path with Plant Spirit Talk and who are interested in deepening with these medicines and ways while having sacred reciprocal exchanges that are culturally sensitive and non-extractive.

*Minimum pre-requisite for joining our journey is the completion of at least one plant spirit initiation with Plant Spirit Talk within 12 months from the journey or the completion of one or more PST courses. *Priority is given to current students and apprentices as well as BIPOC folks, and those with South American ancestry.

If you haven’t completed one of these prerequisites and you’re interested in joining us, please contact us at info@plantspirittalk.com or schedule your intake session for a plant spirit initiation at your earliest convenience through this link.


Application Process:

Step 1. Sign up for a payment plan or pay full tuition.

Step 2. Fill out the application form at the bottom of this page.

Step 3. Once we receive your deposit and application, we will send you an email with a link to schedule your interview.

Step 4. After the interview, If accepted you will be offered a place to join us in the journey. To accept the offer, you will have 2 weeks from the letter of acceptance to sign up for the payment plan or pay the remaining tuition. If not accepted, you will receive a full refund of the deposit or tuition you paid.

Step 5. You will be sent documents to fill out and return to us including medical intake, policies acknowledgement, and liability release forms

Step 6. In September (date TBA) we will have our journey preparation meeting (mandatory attendance)


Peru, Jungle

Amazonian Medicine Immersion Journey

November 15th-25th, 2024

This journey will be our return for the sixth year, for our Amazonian Medicine Immersion to the jungle sanctuary in Tarapoto, Peru. We are so blessed to have the opportunity to receive the potent medicine and transmissions from our Grandmother master plant and our Shipibo Conibo Grandmother,  Maestra Amelia. We'll be taking a deep dive into Amazonian Medicine, its preparations, and traditional jungle healing protocols, including Plant Dietas. 

Our host, beloved Medicine Woman Selva and her team will lead us on a ten-day journey of deep detoxification, healing ceremonies with the Amazonian plants, Entheogenic herb walks, and many other wisdom-exchanging sessions dedicated to honoring and reciprocal interspecies relations with our beloved plant-embodied teachers. We’ll be learning from one of the most ancient traditions of Vegetalismo through the Shipibo Conibo lineage, how to approach this deep work and path with the plants in integrity and respect. 

* You will be responsible for all travel to get to the local airport


This is an all-inclusive trip, providing all of the following: 

  • Transportation to/from our retreat center and Tarapoto Airport

  • 11-day/10-night accommodations at our jungle retreat center.

  • Homemade Organic dieta-friendly meals  

  • Private assessment and consultation with Maestra Amelia and Selva

  • 4 Ceremonies with Grandmother Medicine (night) 

  • 1 traditional egg limpia with diagnosis 

  • 2 Traditional Bodywork sessions (folk chiropractic adjustments and deep tissue massages with plant-infused oils) 

  • Wisdom Sharing and Entheogenic Herb walks

  • Shamanic Amazonian Plant Baths

  • Master Plants Harvesting, Preparation, and Medicine Making 

  • Folk Detoxing Treatments 

  • Day trips to local Sacred Sites (waterfalls, mineral hot springs, etc)  

We will also have the opportunity to dive deeper into a Plant Dieta as recommended individually at consultation. 


Herbs for Ceremony, Peru

2024 Medicine Immersion Journey Application

Must be filled out and sent along with payment.